Reverse logistics is simply called returns and stands for all operations related to the reuse of products and materials. It is also the process of moving goods from their typical final destination for the purpose of capturing value, or proper disposal. Remanufacturing and refurbishing activities are included in the definition of reverse logistics.
Reverse logistics deals with five basic questions:
Our reverse logistics services are designed to fulfill above five basic logistics questions and meet the market needs. At the end of the process, our customers receive complete report documenting key information such as model number, serial number, action performed, material breakdown categories, weight, valued and final disposition.
The reports provide our clients visibility of how their products are processed. And it makes it easy for our customers to finalize their accounting functions. Our detailed reports are also critical documents for any internal or external audit.
Reverse logistics deals with five basic questions:
- What alternatives are available to recover products, product parts, and materials?
- Who should perform the various recovery activities?
- How should the various activities be performed?
- Is it possible to integrate the activities that are typical for reverse logistics with classical production and distribution systems?
- What are the costs and benefits of reverse logistics, both from an economical as an environmental point of view?
Our reverse logistics services are designed to fulfill above five basic logistics questions and meet the market needs. At the end of the process, our customers receive complete report documenting key information such as model number, serial number, action performed, material breakdown categories, weight, valued and final disposition.
The reports provide our clients visibility of how their products are processed. And it makes it easy for our customers to finalize their accounting functions. Our detailed reports are also critical documents for any internal or external audit.